Myriacantherpestes bradbirksi

Myriacantherpestes bradbirksi

SKU: MYR 2.0
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The central segments of a millipede, in 2 parts, no head. Each segment carries a pair of delicate bifurcating 'spines' on the sides, and possibly a median row of spines in the centre of each segment, now broken off. A much larger animal than MYR 1.0 but only about 10% of the size of Arthropleura which made the trackways at Crail, TRF 110.0. From ironstone nodules at Coseley, West Midlands, UK. These old deltaic sediments contain a rich fauna of brackish water sediments: millipedes, insects, crustaceans, plants and fish.

Size: 100mm x 25mm on a block 40mm wide